Monthly Archives: May 2011

Weekly Menu

WEEK 5/23 – 5/30
Monday – Chicken Alfredo
Tuesday – Chicken Club Salad
Wednesday – Crock Pot Chicken Chili
Thursday – My sister’s birthday dinner
Friday – Monday – Memorial Day Weekend!


Garlic & Herb Chicken

I just baked chicken for dinner and it was glorious.

I put 2 tbsp of butter in a bowl with some lemon juice. Then I added some Garlic & Herb dry seasoning and mixed it all up. Spread it over both sides of the chicken and added some more lemon juice to the bottom of the pan. Then baked at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or so until my thermometer read 165 degrees.

The result?

Tender, juicy and perfect chicken with a tiny kick. Red pepper flakes are a major part of the dry seasoning.. and I loved it.

I whipped up some (store bought) mashed potatoes, corn and peas & carrots.

The hubs and I are both nursing a pretty awful sore throat/head cold so this was the perfect easy meal.

Summer Salad

Tonight’s dinner was exactly what I needed.

Romaine lettuce. Mandarin Oranges. Raisins. Broccoli. Grilled chicken. Raspberry Vinaigrette. Plain croutons.

Heaven in a bowl.

And my new Food Network mag came in the mail!

Happy day.

Oops, I did it again…

So… you wanna know what I did?

I did something horrible…

…no, something terrible.

I should be ashamed…

…but turns out I’m not.

Slow Cooked BBQ Pork Sandwiches

It’s a disease. I’m obsessed.

I love pulled pork sandwiches. I love them.

No, really.


And I made pasta salad and it turns out I was sooo in the mood for pasta salad and didn’t even know it. I almost ate the whole bowl.

Pasta, heaps of light Italian dressing and fresh veggies. Sounds like my kind of salad.

Pay no attention to my chipped bowl.

It had a disastrous fall when I slipped and slammed it in the corner of my counter.

Sure, that explains one of them.

But why two?

I’m just really, really, REALLY clumsy.

Trying something new

I’ve recently discovered something about myself that I cannot share with you yet.

I mostly don’t want to share because I’m embarrassed, but I will just deal with that myself.

Either way, you are looking at Weight Watchers newest member.

Wish me luck!

The In-Laws came for dinner

Happy Friday!!! Oh myyyyyy ggooosssshhhh I am so happy that it’s the weekend.

We had the hubs’ parents over for dinner tonight. I got off work early and went to work making the infamous Buffalo Chicken Pizza (are you tired of it yet?) and a new one I haven’t tried before.

Let me introduce you to the Hawaiian Pizza:

This was just refrigerated pizza crust, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham slices and pineapple wedges.

And it was SO tasty. I had 3 pieces and was seriously considering eating more of it. The thought of plating 3 slices and then taking the rest of the pie to my seat crossed my mind.

But I decided that would be mean, and besides what good hostess hogs the food?? Isn’t that a crime?

Oh hey Buffalo Chicken Pizza. I see you there, trying to be relevant. Trying to be look new and fresh, like we haven’t already featured you twice on here.

I know your game.

I’ll take the time now to mention that the pictures are all filtered in Antique mode. My food was a lot more vivid than these portray… I just like to mix things up.

Grilled Banana Sundaes

If you haven’t tried a grilled banana sundae, you should do it right now. It’s a quick recipe and is a seriously yummy treat. I bought tiny waffle bowls to limit the ice cream consumption.

But I was full anyway, from eating that entire Hawaiian pizza.


Or am I?



This isn’t my first time making Calzones, but I think it’s my best.

I went a little lighter on the cheese and added olives this time.

Don’t be afraid of that before picture, I promise it turns out to be all completely, incredibly, pizza-is-jealous kinds of delicious.

That’s a thing.


I just love me a good dough covered in melted butter and parmesan cheese, then stuffed with sausage, cheese, pepperoni, olives (and did I mention cheese?), baked in a nice 375 degree oven.

Hoooo boy, it is a good combination.

Baked Spaghetti Casserole

I’m just going to let the pictures tell you how good this was.

Introducing, Baked Spaghetti Casserole.

Getting ready to bake

Deliciously golden brown and melty.

Side view of the casserole lookin’ all tempting

My plate… not the best staging I could have done, but I was SOOO hungry