Polish Sausage – my childhood favorite


Well, I didn’t go off of the recipe that I had planned, because mid shopping I decided to just make my mom’s Polish sausage instead. It took me back to my childhood, that’s for sure! Sauerkraut has a distinct smell (my husband would call it “gross” but what does he know, really) and suddenly, I was transported back to being a kid and setting the table for my favorite dinner. We had Polish sausage, sauerkraut, potatoes, applesauce and green beans at LEAST once a week. Sometimes more because, as I discovered tonight, it is so easy and fast to prepare. Joey didn’t partake in the sauerkraut, but he loved the sausage. This is definitely an after-work dinner when we are too a) tired, b) lazy and c) starving to cook anything more involved.

This was for you, Mom!

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